Keep Your Kids Busy & Away from Thumb Sucking Keep Your Kids Busy & Away from Thumb Sucking
One of the biggest problems with finding out how to stop thumb sucking indefinitely is that it usually comes from things like insecurity or boredom. With children, it can be hard to deal with their fears or insecurities as they don’t really know how to put them across to you – making them hard to deal with. You also can’t really deal with boredom all the time, so trying to find ways to stimulate your child with more enjoyable activities could be a great way for you to stop your child from sucking their thumb.
A great way to keep your children busy is to give them activities and games to enjoy. Rather than have them sit around watching TV, sucking their thumbs, you could give them a bit more motivation and energy thus taking their mind off habits they should be learning to forget! Of course, entertaining a child isn’t quite like how you would entertain an adult, so we have a few game ideas to keep your children from causing social or dental problems down the line!
Marshmallow Tinkertoys
This popular little game has been around for a while, and all it takes is some pretzel sticks and a bag of marshmallows. You can pick both of these up for pennies at any local store, really. All you need to do is try and create your own masterpieces using your pretzel sticks as skewers! Try going up against each other to see who can make the most convincing animals, or give your child a time challenge to see what they can come up with in the time allotted!
Cook Some Sugar Pizza
Kids, undoubtedly, love sugar. Even if you are the anti-chef, you can pull this one off! All you need is some cookie dough and a few little treats to go on your sugary pizza. Use the cookie dough as your base and cover with things like M&Ms (Pepperoni) and shredded coconut as your cheese layers – simple, enjoyable, and can all be cooked within about ten minutes!
Last method to break the thumb sucking habit
One of the best ways to get your kids engaged and their minds moving is to quiz them on their favorite stories. When you are reading them the story, and you hit a key point, hit them with a few quick-fire questions about the story and how your child would react in the same situation. Not only can this be a lot of fun, but it’s an easy way to keep the mind away from moving to the dreaded comfort zone of the thumb in the mouth!
All of these simple little activities can be a way how to stop thumb sucking your child. Everybody is different, so you may need to take more drastic measures but for a lot of children just having something else to do can be more than enough to shake it out of their system!