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Spring Break the Thumb Sucking Habit

Spring Break the Thumb Sucking Habit

March is approaching very fast and another month has come and gone and your little child is still sucking their thumb. Like many parents, you probably tried to bribe your little one with chocolate or other sweet goodies during the Valentine’s Holiday. We’ve talked about it over and over had parents need to get their little ones to stop thumb sucking. It’s hard to tell exactly when you need to try and put an end to this bad habit; but as a parent, if you’re already searching or Googling online about thumb sucking then it’s probably time to stop your little one.

Is It Time?

You’ll read several articles over and over telling you about the damage thumb sucking does for teeth and even chin development. You’ll also read articles telling you not to worry about thumb sucking until your child goes to school, but from a parent that went through this with their little one, the sooner you put an end to thumb sucking habit the easier it will be for you. Our little one simply loved sucking his thumb and you just need to help your child find another way to soothe themselves. After a while, you’ll see that they don’t thumb suck to soothe, but simply out of habit and that to us was when we knew it had to stop.

Spring Thumb Sucking

We encourage parents with spring break coming on to get a couple of pairs of gloves and to be ready to start the first day of spring break. Talk to your child and prepare them for what is to come ahead. Our gloves are not medical restraints like the thumb guards, our Glove Huggey is simply a comfortable glove made to remove the soothing sensation from sucking on the thumb and to remind them it’s time to stop thumb sucking. Sit down with your boy or girl or both and pick out a few pairs of gloves that they like, let them feel like they’re in control of this decision to stop thumb sucking habit. Also, with every pair of gloves that the child receives they will receive a free plush toy. You can use this as a reward or just a new buddy that’s come along to help on the journey of thumb sucking habit.

Tell your child that there is nothing to be embarrassed about when wearing the gloves out in public, they can tell them the gloves are a fashion statement or just crime-fitting gloves. If your child has a close friend or cousin that will be spending a lot of time with during the break, get them a pair. When you’re child will see that another child is wearing them, it will help them relax and allow them to put their guard down.

So remember parents, don’t wait for thumb sucking to go away on its own…because it probably won’t & for under $30 you have nothing to lose.
