How to bring an end to finger sucking and thumb sucking Is finger sucking and thumb sucking a headache you cannot escape? Then get your child to stop by using the following solutions. Find out more here.
When you want to help your child overcome babyish habits, one of the first places to start is with thumb sucking. Thumb sucking is a natural continuation of behavior that we used in the womb. It can have a detrimental impact on the quality of your child’s development. Over time, it can lead to problems with their oral development. They can be left with an overbite, which can become an issue in their later life in terms of self-belief and confidence. Another issue is the fact it can lead to dental issues, with teeth coming in wrongly. Finger sucking is a common problem in children, but it should be dealt with as soon as possible.
These are major problems, and they are caused by not only thumb sucking but finger sucking as well. If you want to bring an end to these issues, here are some easy ways that you can resolve finger sucking and thumb sucking at once.
Ways to end finger sucking dependency for your kids
If you want to try and get your child to stop thumb and finger sucking, then you can try the following:
- Give them the ‘fear tactics’ that work best. Tell them that thumb sucking can make them end up with damaged teeth and have a strangely shaped mouth. Let their imagination run wild enough to make them stop, but not wild enough to scare.
- Focus on showing them that thumb and finger sucking is for babies, not for toddlers. Most kids long to grow up fast and be like an adult, so by reminding them that their behavior is childish you might make them want to stop simply to grow up.
- Use positive reinforcement. When you notice that they go through a routine that would normally end in finger sucking, reward them. Give them a toy, or something they want, but avoid going down the route of candies and treats where possible.
- Avoid shouting at them, though. 99 times out of 100, raising your voice and shouting does nothing but upset your child and instill a notion of fear. Fear of our parents is a dangerous emotion, and creating fear over something like finger sucking is NOT recommended.
Still not working? Then try a Glovey Huggey
The last solution we have is the best option arguably, as it is the most direct and it also rewards your child. The Glovey Huggey is a finger and thumb guard in the shape of a creative and charming, kid-friendly glove. It can cover certain fingers, or it can cover just the thumb. Either way, it leaves your child with an accessory that is too cool to sook through to try and suck their thumb.
The taste of sucked cotton and the flavor of the Glovey Huggey also can put them off returning for more. So, if you find none of the above works, buy a Glovey Huggey and see if that gets your child to stop. One way or another, you can make thumb and finger sucking a problem of the past!