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How To Overcome The Thumb Sucking Habit For Good

How To Overcome The Thumb Sucking Habit For Good

Ask any parent what one of the most inexplicable habits their children are, and they will likely mention thumb sucking. Thumb sucking is a habit for young children, and it is adopted from life in the womb prior to actually being born. This is a comfort habit that children return to as it reminds them of the safest period of their lives – in the comfort of the womb, waiting to be born. Sadly, to overcome the thumb sucking problem is not an easy job. So, as a frustrated parent, what can you do?

Make sure you appreciate the risk of thumb sucking

The first priority is to make sure that you understand why thumb sucking has to be avoided. To overcome the thumb sucking habit, you need to understand how bad is for your child’s future. It is something that tends to have a negative, damaging impact on the dental health of your child. They will eventually force their teeth into uncomfortable shapes and angles due to the fact that thumb sucking pushes their teeth out of line.

That is something important to pay attention to as it can be a matter of concern later on in life. It might mean that your child has to wear braces or something similar as they get into their teenage and even adult years. So, thumb sucking is not something to be avoided. How, though, do you go about dealing with the thumb sucking habit?

Thankfully, there are quite a few solutions that can be used to help you overcome thumb sucking in a meaningful way. Where, then, do you begin on this particular journey?

Enter the Glovey Huggey and bring an end to the habit

The primary solution is to entice your child away from such babyish behavior. What is the best way to do that? Most assume positive reinforcement. For the most part, though, it is through the use of distraction. Children love little things that make them smile and feel safe: at such a young age, they are still the epitome of innocence.

Popular glove accessory company Glovey Huggey create a solution just for this exact problem. These cutesy little gloves cover the thumb so that your child is less inclined to suck their thumb. If they want to suck their thumb, they have to take off the Glovey Huggey. And they will become so attached to it that the idea of doing so will be anathema to them! Overcome the thumb sucking problem with Glovey Huggey.

That is why you should absolutely consider going down the route of getting a Glovey Huggey. It is a simple, easy way to distract your child into no longer sucking their thumb. They will become so attached and so enamored by their little friend that they will not want to remove it.

Before you know it, the days of them sucking their thumb will come to an end. Really, it takes a little bit of distraction as opposed to anything else to help your child wean themselves off this perpetual habit once and for all. Why not try it out, and see if you can help your child give this up permanently?