Wondering How to Stop Thumb Sucking Wondering How to Stop Thumb Sucking
Many infants and children find relief in thumb sucking. This can be a very bad habit to break. Children usually suck their thumb at bedtime and during stressful situations. In school aged children, it can cause serious side effects.
Even after we have tried everything to get a child to stop thumb sucking, some children just can’t break the habit. When children get into school then this can cause issues both physically and emotionally. When a child begins to lose baby teeth and grow permanent teeth then this can cause speech problems. When the teeth aren’t aligned properly, this can be a reason of sound delays. Sound delays means the child can’t pronounce words as he should be able to.
Also, sucking the thumb can cause dental problems. Extended sucking can cause teeth not to align the way they are suppose to. The teeth can be pushed outward causing an overbite. The parents should seek a dentist in this situation. The child will probably need to get braces to help the teeth properly.
Parents may wonder how to stop thumb sucking after they have tried all you can. Thankfully, a wonderful product called the thumb guard can help. The thumb guard helps children break the bad habit while they still feel comforted. It takes away the sucking movement but still leaves the child at ease. It is a proven product that can stop sucking the thumb in four weeks or less. It doesn’t cause any pain or discomfort. It simply takes away the suction and when the child can see that it isn’t working anymore they will stop. It has been a favorite invention of many dentists, doctors and parents for years.
We want our child to find a new way to feel relief or comfortable with sucking his thumb. That way we don’t have to worry about the long term effects for sucking. This guard will help the child break this routine. Once the tradition has been broken, then try to replace it with a teddy bear. Many parents have found that giving the child a new and safer tendency has worked wonders. There is hope to break the child from this dependency and the thumb guard can help..