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Ways to Stop Thumb Sucking In Children

Ways to Stop Thumb Sucking In Children

Thumb sucking can become the most problematic habit in children. Though it is a very natural response for children to start sucking their thumbs ether because they feel insecure or because they have nothing much to do, too much of this habit is bad for their health. By the age of three, you would hardly see children sucking their thumbs anymore. However, some older children are not able to give up this bad habit. It is due to this that they develop a small hole of cavity at the upper wall of their mouth and the development of their teeth is hampered. Moreover, the children also become susceptible to germs and diseases because of thumb sucking.

There are many positive ways to stop thumb sucking in children. The first way is to obviously talk to them and ask them why they suck their thumbs. This works better with older children as they are better able to respond with words. On some other note, you can also try to reward them with a small gift every time they don’t suck their thumbs while alone of while in public. This also means that mostly smaller children will come into this delicious trap. There is hardly anything that works on children of all ages. However, one option still remains unexplored by you and that is thumb guards that stop thumb sucking in children.

These thumb guards or gloves are designed specifically to stop thumb sucking. Your children can easily wear these spandex gloves all the time. The best thing is that they come in a gift box along with a plush toy. Plus, they come in a pair so you don’t have to buy two. These gloves have such attractive designs and colors that even the shyest of all children would feel motivated to go out in the sun and play. They will feel more energetic and will be so lost in their little games, that they would not even suspect that these gloves are not accessories or gifts, but tools to help them stop thumb sucking.

Children love the designs and as they grow more habitual to these gloves, they would certainly stop sucking thumbs anymore. They will involve in many more productive activities and the thumb, which becomes the center of their attention, is completely removed from their vision, without even letting them suspect a bit. Don’t wait anymore. Say goodbye to thumb sucking before summer is over..