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Using lockdown to stop toddlers from thumb sucking

Using lockdown to stop toddlers from thumb sucking

As a parent, one of the most annoying things about lockdown will be the lack of development for your child. Sadly, many children have been left to simply endure life at home without the same kind of interaction and engagement that they will be used to. This has become a common issue in the world, but for Americans in particular this has become a major issue. Because you spend a lot of time together during this period, you may have noticed a few gestures your child makes. One of these may be thumb sucking. Here’s how you can stop toddlers from thumb sucking.

As a parent, you might worry that your child is not getting enough development time outside of the house. However, are you using the time you do have at home productively? For many parents, now might be the time to try and stop some of those childlike habits that your toddler is still clinging to. For example, does your child have a habit of sucking their thumb? Then you might wish to pick up a tool to help them stop the thumb sucking at home. Thumb sucking is a dangerous habit that, once a child starts to do it too often, can lead to various issues down the line. One of the most common negatives of persistent thumb sucking is the fact that it can lead to issues revolving around dental development. As a young child, your toddler is still developing physically. This means that many changes will take place to their bodies including most especially their teeth. So, if you have a toddler at home who is still thumb sucking after the age of four or five, you should use lockdown to really focus on bringing an end to the issue.

Why do I need to stop my child sucking their thumb?

The main reason why you should stop toddlers from thumb sucking is the one above; it can lead to deformities and issues with their teeth down the line. A child who has a thumb sucking habit can lead to changes the way that their teeth come in. This can lead to all manner of issues, including the teeth coming in at the wrong angle or shape. It can lead to painful dental issues down the line, and it could also cause problems like gaps developing between teeth that should not be present.
As a parent, it is your duty to do all that you can to try and stop your child from thumb sucking on such a regular basis. While they might enjoy it, you need to put your foot down and play the role of a parent here; the sooner they stop, the sooner they are going to feel better. That is why we highly recommend you look to buy something like the Glovey Huggey.

This anti-thumb sucking glove is the ideal choice for anyone who wants to help their child get over the habit. By giving them these cool little gloves that remove their focus on thumb sucking, you can soon turn around that mental desire for comfort by thumb sucking into something they no longer consider.
Children are easily swayed; with something like the Glovey Huggey, you make sure they won’t go back to their old, childish habits again. At least now you can say that you used lockdown for something productive!