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Thumb Sucking & Ground Hog Day…Does a Ground Hog have a Thumb?

Thumb Sucking & Ground Hog Day…Does a Ground Hog have a Thumb?

Thumb sucking is a behavior that involves putting the thumb inside the mouth for sucking and oral satisfaction. This activity is also considered as children’s natural reflex. Thumb sucking is a habit manifested by kids that make them feel happy and secured. There are even children who are into intense thumb sucking to feel its soothing effect and make them fall asleep especially during at night. In some cases, thumb sucking normally stops at the age of five.

When permanent teeth starts to come in, thumb sucking may cause several problems regarding the proper growth and alignment of teeth. It can also bring several changes in the roof of the mouth and these changes can be indicator of the child is experiencing some mouth problems. A strong intensity of thumb sucking especially with permanent teeth already present may result in hurting the child’s finger.

Thumb Sucking can be stopped referring to some helpful tips. These tips includes praising your child whenever he is not sucking his thumbs, providing your child with the comfort that they need because thumb sucking are found to be manifested when a child feels insecure or is in need for comfort. Diverting your child’s attention into other telling like reading him a story or letting him do simple artworks and colouring books may help in forgetting to thumb suck. Parents, together with a dentist can do calm approach and explain to the child the bad effects of thumb sucking in a manner that he will understand. Considering all these helpful tips, your will definitely say goodbye to thumb sucking before the Ground Hog Day.

Ground Hog day is a celebration usually on the 2nd day of February. According to folk tales when a ground hog emerges from his burrow on a cloudy day on this day, the winter season will come early. But when a ground hog emerges on a sunny day, it will see its shadow and move back to his burrow. This is an indication that winter weather will be extended to six weeks. Modern customs of the holiday celebration festivals held early morning to watch the ground hog emerges from its burrows. Ground Hog Day became a traditional celebration by holding festivities. Crowds gather during this festive day. Ground Hog Day is actually an original and ancient celebration midway between the winter and the season of spring.

Ground Hog Day during past history is also being celebrated to give respect to the ancestors. Some groups of people considers hound dog as their respectable ancestors. But as time goes by and the atmosphere became modernized, people start to add some twists during the celebration of Ground Hog Day. This can be celebrated with foods, party, animal decorations. Ground Hog Day can also be celebrated with party games that make the whole event very exciting. These added twists will surely make everybody enjoy as they celebrate the festive season. Everyone looks forward in the coming of Ground Hog Day because it simply means that winter is almost over.
