Does a Thumb Guard for thumbsuckers actually work?
Thumb Guard
While it might be a habit that stems from our youngest moments as a living beings, thumb sucking is not something to be tolerated. As a parent, the last thing you want to do is encourage a habit that can knock teeth out of line. This not only makes it much harder for your child to ‘grow into’ their face and their mouth, but it can cause them long-term problems with their teeth. As a parent, then, you need to ask yourself this: are you taking thumb sucking seriously? Let’s see what a thumb guard for thumbsuckers can do.
For example, you might want to stop but cannot seem to encourage them to stop on their own. This is entirely common, so it is not something you necessarily need to worry about. What you should do instead, though, is to look at getting a thumb guard for thumbsuckers.
Numerous options exist on the market. Some will work better than others. Some try and go down the cheap route and use things like plastic thimbles. These tend to become annoying for your child to wear, though and can stop them from interacting with toys and tools as comfortably as you would like.
With that in mind, you should think about going down the route of using a more comfortable thumb guard for thumbsuckers. Among the most popular options on the market, today includes the Glovey Huggey. Is this right for you, though? Can the Glovey Huggey give your child the thumb guard they need (for their own good) without becoming an irritation or a hindrance to their day-to-day life?
What is the Glovey Huggey?
This is a little accessory that your child can wear on their thumb sucking hand. Given the bright nature and the colorful design, these gloves should instantly attract the interest of your child. They will become very much aware of the glove, and it will be an attachment of theirs – much like if they owned, say, a stuffed animal.
The Glovey Huggey works extremely well as it covers the exact thumb they will be sucking. The taste of the thumb through the texture of the glove is not going to be appealing. As such, they are not likely to keep on sucking that particular part of the thumb. It will not taste very nice, so they will not continue to do so.
With that in mind, though, they will also not want to take off the glove. This means that if they do desire to suck their thumb they have enough of an incentive not to start again. Over the course of a few weeks, they will soon leave behind thumb sucking as a common part of their day-to-day activities.
That can be very useful for you, and it can bring an end to this constant and repetitive process. Over time, too, you will find that it begins to give you all of the help you need to encourage your child to stop thumb sucking without having to give them any ultimatums and/or give them trouble. We encourage you to buy a thumb guard for thumbsuckers from GloveyHuggey.
The next battle? Getting them to take the Glovey Huggey off! That, though, is a much easier battle that is far less likely to leave them with dental issues later on in life.
Thumb Guard
While it might be a habit that stems from our youngest moments as a living beings, thumb sucking is not something to be tolerated. As a parent, the last thing you want to do is encourage a habit that can knock teeth out of line. This not only makes it much harder for your child to ‘grow into’ their face and their mouth, but it can cause them long-term problems with their teeth. As a parent, then, you need to ask yourself this: are you taking thumb sucking seriously? Let’s see what a thumb guard for thumbsuckers can do.
For example, you might want to stop but cannot seem to encourage them to stop on their own. This is entirely common, so it is not something you necessarily need to worry about. What you should do instead, though, is to look at getting a thumb guard for thumbsuckers.
Numerous options exist on the market. Some will work better than others. Some try and go down the cheap route and use things like plastic thimbles. These tend to become annoying for your child to wear, though and can stop them from interacting with toys and tools as comfortably as you would like.
With that in mind, you should think about going down the route of using a more comfortable thumb guard for thumbsuckers. Among the most popular options on the market, today includes the Glovey Huggey. Is this right for you, though? Can the Glovey Huggey give your child the thumb guard they need (for their own good) without becoming an irritation or a hindrance to their day-to-day life?
What is the Glovey Huggey?
This is a little accessory that your child can wear on their thumb sucking hand. Given the bright nature and the colorful design, these gloves should instantly attract the interest of your child. They will become very much aware of the glove, and it will be an attachment of theirs – much like if they owned, say, a stuffed animal.
The Glovey Huggey works extremely well as it covers the exact thumb they will be sucking. The taste of the thumb through the texture of the glove is not going to be appealing. As such, they are not likely to keep on sucking that particular part of the thumb. It will not taste very nice, so they will not continue to do so.
With that in mind, though, they will also not want to take off the glove. This means that if they do desire to suck their thumb they have enough of an incentive not to start again. Over the course of a few weeks, they will soon leave behind thumb sucking as a common part of their day-to-day activities.
That can be very useful for you, and it can bring an end to this constant and repetitive process. Over time, too, you will find that it begins to give you all of the help you need to encourage your child to stop thumb sucking without having to give them any ultimatums and/or give them trouble. We encourage you to buy a thumb guard for thumbsuckers from GloveyHuggey.
The next battle? Getting them to take the Glovey Huggey off! That, though, is a much easier battle that is far less likely to leave them with dental issues later on in life.