The simplest way to stop thumb sucking in a toddler Looking to stop thumb sucking? You have no doubt tried all of the ‘usual’ solutions. Try this out instead and see if you can bring the problem to a head.
One of the most challenging elements of being a parent is getting your children to stop doing things you would not expect. As an adult, you can forget about all of the little quirks and activities you tried out as a baby. Take thumb sucking, for example. As a child, it can provide a sense of calm and warmth that you did not have previously. As an adult, though, it can cause you nothing but headaches.
As you watch your child suck their thumb at first, it can seem charming. As you read about the negative dependencies that this can create, though, you now have one question in your mind: how can you stop thumb sucking?
No doubt you have tried out the usual options. Positive and negative reinforcement can work in many ways – and in some children, it can stop thumb sucking outright. For many children, though, the natural connection with thumb sucking and time spent in the womb means that they never wish to stop!
The easiest way to get a child to stop doing something that you do not like is through distraction. By giving them something else to take their mind off the issue, you can stop them from carrying out the annoying activity you want them to stop.
This goes for thumb sucking, too. If you have tried all of the usual solutions, then you might want to try and invest in a Glovey Huggey. These awesome little mitts can literally stop your child from sucking on their thumb in a short space of time.
What is the solution to stop thumb sucking? Try out a Glovey Huggey
The best place to start for most parents reaching the end of their tether would be the Glovey Huggey. This adorable little product is worn on the hand as a normal glove. It comes in creative, colorful, and fun designs – the kind that kids of thumb sucking age will love. Not only that, but your kids will get to feel like they have their own little personal accent and accessory.
In the mind of a youngster, holding on to your own little goodies like this can feel like a great experience. As a parent, though, the secret is in the distraction. They love the Glovey Huggey so much that they will not want to remove it. This means it can become their little friendly companion that they wear around the house.
Given that it covers the thumb and does not leave the nicest taste should they try and suck their thumb, though, the Glovey Huggey can directly stop thumb sucking. That is why many parents are giving up on the tried and tested methods and are relying on this modern alternative.
When used properly, the Glovey Huggey can be a positive game-changer for strung-out parents looking for a solution. Pick one up today, and see how quickly you can stop thumb sucking is a headache for your little one.