The Simple and Safe Way To Stop Thumb Sucking The Simple and Safe Way To Stop Thumb Sucking
We all assume that a child sucking their thumb is almost a right of passage for little ones growing up. We also assume that, at some point in time, they’ll grow out of that phase. But the point in time when they do grow out of such a phase could have major ramifications on the health of a child’s teeth later on down the road.
Avoid future problems for your toddler
Many experts believe that children who continue to suck on their thumb or their fingers past the age of two years old could see issues with the way their teeth or their jaws line up in the future. As parents, that’s obviously going to lead to a lot more expensive problems that will require orthodontic solutions to solve, and perhaps even other issues that come up as side effects of this habit.
Parents who take to the internet to look for solutions to this problem will find the same assortment of recommendations from the parenting blogosphere on how to get their child to stop sucking their thumb – lots of positive reinforcement, distracting their children away from behaviors that might trigger said habit, or possibly even expensive dental solutions that will prevent their child from putting their hands in their mouth.
But what if there was a happy medium between such options? What if there was a way to ensure you didn’t have to constantly focus on your child’s habit, and didn’t have to pay an exorbitant amount of money for a device that makes it unappealing for your child to stick their hands in their mouth?
Choose an easier way of stopping thumb sucking
The Glovey Huggey is an inexpensive glove-like article of clothing that is placed over the child’s hand, with felt fingers on the glove designed to cover up those specific fingers that children tend to suck on most; it’s not exclusive for children who suck on their thumbs. Eventually, as your child begins to put the plush fabric in their mouth when they try to suck their fingers, the different – but safe – experience will break that habit, to the point where they’ll no longer have any interest in doing so.
Priced at less than $40, the Glovey Huggey is also a far more palatable solution (no pun intended) compared to the expensive dental apparatus you’d otherwise pay for. On top of that, Glovey Huggey orders free shipping when you purchase directly from their website and gives free plush toys with your next order.
While the Glovey Huggey is a tremendous solution for correcting children from sucking their fingers, you still want to keep a close eye to see if there has been any damage to your child’s teeth and if the habit has taken place for a longer period of time. Specifically, if you start to see that their bite appears to have been altered, without having been set back in place after they stopped sucking their fingers, you should immediately consult an orthodontist, to ensure the issue doesn’t get worse.
Grants Pass Dentist has specialized dental professionals who can provide you with a variety of treatment recommendations to rectify this problem.