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Stopping Thumb Sucking for Passover with Glovey Huggey

Stopping Thumb Sucking for Passover with Glovey Huggey

With Passover just around the corner, many Jewish families will be trying to make sure they have everything in order before the big event arrives. However, for many parents, there is one nagging problem that they see with their children that they want to try and fix – thumb sucking. Stopping thumb sucking in a child can be a major challenge, one that really needs you to pay attention and understand the direction that you are heading in with your ideas to make them stop.

If you want to make sure that your child is going to be involved in stopping thumb sucking for Passover, you should try and consider the following suggestions. When used properly they could be the solution that your children resonate with, making them far more likely to actually understand and take into account the importance of finally learning about stopping altogether.

Passover Gifts

A great way to get a child to consider stopping thumb sucking for Passover is to make sure that they get something in return. If you tell them that they will get X if they can stop for Y days, then you will notice that your child is far more likely to finally stop in the first place.

This makes a major difference and may be the best way to get your child to stop. A themed gift that they had their eye on, or something that they have been asking for recently, can be a good way to make them stop. Remember that children are very easily persuaded so you can use some smart ideas to make them want to stop in the long term.

Passover gifts are arguably the best way to make sure that your child will feel comfortable stopping and finally putting this annoying habit behind them.

Setting Challenges to stop the thumb sucking problem

Most children love to make their parents happy and proud of them, and you can use that to make sure they want to stop. Positive reinforcement by setting them the challenge in exchange for some form of reward – even just your lasting praise – is something that your children will love taking part in. children might not appear so, but they love a challenge that could reward them – make sure you use this desire to impress to your advantage here.

Another great way to make sure that your child decides to finally stop thumb sucking for Passover is to come up with a list of reasons why. At this time of year, it can be good to educate your children and show them what they are missing out on if they don’t try with you, giving you something interesting to talk to them about – make them aware of the dangers of thumb sucking too often.

It’s these little times of year that can be a good opportunity to make your child change, so make sure you take this into account if you want them to stop thumb sucking for Passover – it’s a challenge, but one that you should be willing to rise to if you want them to stop for good.