Stop Thumb Sucking to Prevent Illness Stop Thumb Sucking to Prevent Illness
Would you believe if someone told you that thumb sucking can cause illness? In some situations, thumb sucking can be a problem especially when the child is five years or older. At this age, children tend to play a lot. Whether your child plays in the indoor or the outdoors, he or she can catch germs. If your child sucks thumb without washing his hands first, the germs can cause illness. There is a need to stop thumb sucking especially when your child is already in preschool.
According to studies, sucking the thumb is a natural impulse. In fact, most babies and small children suck their fingers, thumbs, or toys. It is an attempt to self-soothe and enjoy a feeling of comfort. A thumb sucker can sleep faster than someone who doesn’t.
There is a need to stop thumb sucking when the habit is interfering with the development of the child. You can follow these tips if you want to put an end to the annoying habit:
• Identify the reason behind the thumb sucking habit; in babies, this is natural but for older kids, it can be a sign that your child is sleepy, irritated, hungry, or tired.
• Nagging is not an effective way to stop thumb sucking. In fact, it will only agitate the child. A good way is to talk to your child about his habit and that he is already growing up. You can mention that kids his age are no longer sucking their thumbs.
• Distraction is another way to stop the sucking habit. When you see your child sucking his thumb, you can hug him or give him something that both hands must hold. You can weaken the habit, but you are not making it obvious to the child.
• Small kids don’t want to be told or scolded in front of their playmates. If your child unintentionally sucks his thumb, you can send him a signal. You can also tie a string around his thumb to remind him about stopping the habit.
• Remind your child that dirty fingers or hands can lead to illness.
• Make use of a thumb sucking guard which is available at https://www.gloveyhuggey.com
When your child is older, you can educate him about the potential hazards of thumb sucking especially in public areas. You can tolerate thumb sucking inside the room, but once your child is out, you need to control or put a stop to the habit.
It’s very easy to get germs inside the mouth through thumb sucking. If this happens frequently, your child can get sick. No one wants their child to get sick. Prevention is still better, so it would be a good idea to stop thumb sucking at an early age.
Some parents decide to interfere with thumb sucking at six months to one year. This can be a good start, but you have to make sure that your child is able to find comfort from other things like a favorite pillow, toy, or blanket. Even toddlers find comfort in sucking their thumbs. Just don’t tolerate the habit until your child is growing permanent teeth.