Stop Thumb Sucking For Good! Stop Thumb Sucking For Good!
Thumbsucking is problem many children face, and one that not all parents know how to stop. Other than the obvious reason that it’s unsightly to watch your children suck their thumb, there area number of other reasons they should stop, such as the damage to their teeth.
With the upcoming Thanksgiving break, the time to stop thumb sucking is never better! This time gives you and your child plenty of time together at home (if you don’t travel) with little to no stress involved. So if you want to learn how to stop thumb sucking in your home, then keep reading.
There are a number of options on the market to stop thumbsucking and to help a child learn to stop being dependent on their thumb for comfort. Most of these products either limit the access to the thumb, or add something to it to make it less desirable.
Take for instance the stop thumb sucking glove. This item teaches children that the stop thumb sucking glove is always there when they try to begin thumbsucking again. It’s a small glove that can attach to either thumb and provides a reminder during those difficult times. This stop thumb sucking glove can be taken off and washed daily to ensure good hygiene.
The next option you can look at getting is the thumb guard. The thumb guard basically works the same way as the thumb sucking glove, with the difference being the material each are made from. The thumb guard is made of plastic or some other hard material to lessen the desire to suck their thumbs. With this, you can take the guard off your child and sterilize for hygiene reasons.
The are many other options on the market to help you teach your child to kick the thumb habit, but there are things you can do at home without needing to purchase anything from a store.
Start with limiting the times it’s okay for them to suck their thumb. Maybe tell them they may suck their thumb at night, but that at nap time the must not. You can always try to explain that they are growing up and that sucking their thumb is considered something small babies and children do. This may encourage them. You can also take them to the doctor to help explain why it is bad for them.
No matter which method you choose, remember to do so with a lot of love and patience for your child..