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Regardless of Thumb Sucking Revelations, It’s STILL a Bad Habit!

Regardless of Thumb Sucking Revelations, It’s STILL a Bad Habit!

Parents across the world are concerned that their children may be doing themselves damage with thumb sucking, apparently, you can relax. According to new expert studies, thumb sucking isn’t the horror we were told – apparently. The only problem is that regardless of thumb sucking revelations, is still a really bad habit.

Whilst the benefit of fewer illnesses and a greater immune system can form from sucking our thumbs due to the intake of bacteria that we learn to fight against, the bad habits are still true, and still very dangerous.

Why Does Thumb Sucking Matter?

Your child can quite quickly find that thumb sucking is something that they need to stop for various reasons.

The main reason to stop thumb sucking is because of social pressure. If a child is still thumb sucking in pre-school or school, then they are going to be in major trouble later on down the line. This is not only going to make it harder to settle into school but if they are teased for their thumb sucking, it’s only likely to make them feel embarrassed and lose confidence.

Another main reason is the damage that it can do to teeth. A child who gets caught up in thumb sucking for too long can cause their teeth major problems and move them out of shape accordingly.

If you look at your children’s teeth after thumb sucking, then you can actively see the problems degrading as time goes on. One of the most frustrating elements of thumb sucking, however, is that it can cause your child to develop an under or overbite. This tends to look quite bad and can be a permanent development – a child is still growing, remember, so the constant sucking can cause major issues.

Another big reason to learn how to stop thumb sucking is that it offers false security. Children can grow to believe that simply sucking on their thumb is going to alleviate their problems and move them closer away than ever before. The only problem is that, as adults, this magic trick will no longer work!

But What About the Positives?

Yes, the positive is that your child will become less likely to get some form of bacterial illness. However, it’s not a guarantee – it’s more of a guarantee that your child can drastically damage their teeth from thumb sucking.

The positives are a major element of this, and something that some parents will cling to in a bid to try and avoid having to take action. However, letting your child be today might be a good idea right now but, when they start to have damaged teeth, you’ll regret it.

Don’t let the dental quality of your children be hampered by an unwillingness to stop thumb sucking. Make sure they see the problems that it can cause and never let yourself get caught up in the delusion that the positives can outweigh the negatives – with thumb sucking, it’s just not possible.