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Make a fashion statement with our Glovey thumb guard

Make a fashion statement with our Glovey thumb guard

Glovey Huggey thumb guard fashion statement The Glovey Huggey is the hip new way to curb thumb sucking. As darling as it may be to witness the young one curled up at nap time with their thumb in their mouth, parents understand firsthand just how difficult it can be to get their child to stop thumb sucking. It’s also an important part of their development to rid this habit no matter how cute it may appear.

Children often pick up this habit because of the effects it offers them emotionally. During times of stress, or discomfort thumb sucking provides a way to soothe their emotions and relaxes them instead. This usually comes in handy during those awful, horrible, and despicable times during the day called naps.

However, if this goes unchecked this can have long lasting effects on the child that are both physical and emotional when this habit begins to work against them. From the emotional standpoints, obviously they’ll have peers that will be quick to point out the habit. On the physical front, this can also lead to displacement of the jaw, over bites, and even speech impediments. Therefore, it’s best to get this habit nipped in the bud as quick as possible.

Parents that are looking for methods on how to stop thumb sucking are absolutely inundated with choices, and some are even reaching back generations. In the day, drastic measures were taken to curb this habit. If the painted thumb didn’t do the trick, then taping a sock around the hand would certainly get their child’s attention focused on it. However, these older methods can be traumatic on a young child and more encouraging ones can be just as effective. Now there are new tools to help get rid of this habit while having some fun in the process.

The Glovey Huggey offers a new and exciting way to make it even a fun habit to kick for the young child. The gloves themselves have three buttons that can offer multiple positioning on their hands. The gloves can cover the thumb to act as a thumb guard, or can even be open to the thumb and index finger depending on the way parents wish to teach their young children. The best part of all is that these gloves are trendy. To really drive home the point parents can even wear gloves of their own to make a fashion statement out of it while also encouraging the child to wear them. In the end, this is the goal of every parent to find a healthy way to teach their child to stop thumb sucking, and Glovey Huggey is a fashionable aid to do just that..