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Is a Thumb Guard a Real Cure of Thumb Sucking?

Is a Thumb Guard a Real Cure of Thumb Sucking?


Thumb sucking is one of the insignificant and unnecessary traits that a child must not have especially if he is in the toddler stage. If parents will not address this problem during the earlier stage of life, it can be a bad habit that the child will carry on his entire life. There are numerous reasons why this habit must be eliminated: it can lead to speech problem, dental problems and malocclusion. There are also a number of things that can be done to stop this habit recommended by dentists and pediatricians which include the use of a thumb guard. But, is a thumb guard a real cure for thumb sucking?

The Glovey Huggey thumb guard is a device that looks like a glove for the thumb. With it, it will be the child who will decide to stop his habit. This is because the device is made of spandex material, which they will taste and feel whenever they suck the thumb. With the texture and taste, they will not be encourage to suck some more on the gloves. This method is a lot more positive way of helping the child to eliminate the habit. This is far better than humiliating, spanking and yelling the child which can lead to psychological problems.

The Glovey Huggey thumb guard is also a real cure of thumb sucking as it can have a lasting effect. Some parents would employ the use of bitter chemicals which is placed on the finger nails of the child to discourage them from sucking. But, this can only last for shorter period in addition to the fact that you are introducing some chemical in the body. The Glovey Huggey thumb guard is made from materials which are non toxic and feels like a second skin which they would not want to remove repeatedly. The more that it is being used and the more that the child tastes the material and the texture, the lesser they will suck on their thumb.

If your serious of getting the bad habit of thumb sucking out of your child, the Glovey Huggey thumb guard is the most positive and easy solution. Glovey Huggey thumb guards are the best in the market which can surely provide positive results. It is available in different designs and styles which the child would love to wear. The child will love the artful and funky look of the glove which will make it easier for parent to put it to them. There are also wide varieties of colors to choose from. These guards for the thumb are washable so as to prevent any spread of bacteria. The package usually comes with a plush toy which can help in keeping away the attention of the baby from his thumb sucking.

Glovey Huggey is a real cure to thumb sucking problem and the most positive winning strategy of removing the habit. It can also be incorporated with some other strategies to get the best results like giving rewards. This is a must have for parents who wants to cure the many problems brought by thumb sucking. If you would like to see our full line of Glovey Huggeys please go to our store at



