How to stop thumb sucking without causing friction Tried all the usual techniques to bring an end to thumb sucking? Then try out a thumb sucking guard in the form of the Glovey Huggey. Find out more here.
Ahh, the mood swing. Few things in our life can be as confusing or as annoying as watching our child go from happy to sad. All it takes is one request – eat your dinner, finish that meal, stop covering the dog in paint – and you can find your child does from a beaming smile to a brutish tantrum in 3, 2, 1. When that happens, you might be at a loss as to what you can do. When it comes to getting them to stop thumb sucking especially, this can feel like a never-ending battle. If you want these problems to go away permanently, you should use thumb sucking guard. Glovey Huggey offers you the best solutions against the thumb and finger sucking.
Do you want to know how to stop thumb sucking in a way that does not turn your house into a warzone? Use these simple insights to your advantage.
To learn how to stop thumb sucking, you need to…
Understand why your child is thumb sucking
First off, you should try and do some digging into psychology. Some children suck their thumbs because they feel scared. Others do it for a practical reason, such as alleviating tooth/gum ache. You might find the act itself pointless or irritating, but your child will have a reason. It pays to work out what that reason is before continuing further. That’s why it’s important to provide thumb sucking guard.
Learn when they turn to thumb sucking
You can often spot a sign as to when your child goes to thumb sucking. Have they just been given into trouble? Have they done something potentially embarrassing? It would help if you worked that out as well. This gives you a greater insight into the causal factors so that you can go about knowing when to try and give them a solution that eases their discomfort/embarrassment.
Find what you can offer as an alternative
You should then also look to give them something else that they can do. The best thing is to give them something to distract them. While you should avoid reaching for the treats jar too often as it just creates an unhealthy relationship with food, you should look to find something. Even something like a game, a toy, or some music can be enough to re-align their focus elsewhere.
Go for the direct option: buy a Glovey Huggey
One of the best ways to learn how to stop thumb sucking, though, is to buy a direct option. The Glovey Huggey, for example, offers a brilliant way to change up the process and simplify the issue. By giving them this most wonderful and charming of distractions, you stop them from putting their thumb in their mouth in the first place.
A simple gift like this gives them a cool fashion accessory to wear that stops them from doing this. It also comes with a distinctive style that actively discourages them from putting their thumb in their mouth.
When you have tried the usual ways to learn how to stop thumb sucking, sometimes getting creative is your best choice. Buy a Glovey Huggey and see if it can get your child to stop this irritating, damaging habit.