How to Stop Sucking Thumb by Valentine’s Day How to Stop Sucking Thumb by Valentine’s Day
It is alarming for some parents to see their children thumb sucking way beyond infancy. All of these parents are more than willing to try any remedy just to rid their children of the said habit. With the health problems that come with the prolonged deed of doing the habit as well as the hindrances in the child’s oral development, any type of solution will be of relief to any parents of a thumb sucking child. Continuous thumb sucking up to age five or six is considered as a medical issue by doctors and dentist everywhere. Countless specialty devices and thumb sucking remedies on how to stop thumb sucking are available almost anywhere, but most parents prefer giving their child the Glovey Huggey.
The Glovey Huggey is an internet based online store that offers products that can help stop thumb sucking. This is also a good source of tips on how to stop sucking thumb for children. There is no specified time on when to take action against thumb sucking but one thing is for sure – the right time is now.
These holidays, why don’t you give your child a gift that instead of just giving him plain fun is a gift that can help him get rid of his thumb sucking habits? Why not give your child Glovey Huggey merchandise for thumb sucking remedies? Getting your hands on any Glovey Huggey merchandise is easy as all you have to do is visit its official website. When you visit the official Glovey Huggey website at http://gloveyhuggey.com, you will have a variety of products to choose from on how to stop thumb sucking. You, as a good parent, must not settle for results that can only be seen during the times when a child is fully conscious. You must also consider the effectiveness of the product even without the intent or conscious use of the child.
The use of the thumb guard is the most preferred method to stop thumb sucking. The cylindrically shaped device is fitted on the thumb to remove the contact of the lips to the thumb. It removes any way of giving sensation to the thumb. With the elimination of the sensation, the child will not have any reward from thumb sucking, which will make him unconsciously give up the habit.
But what if the child shifted from the thumb to the other fingers? Well, this is not a problem at all as there is also another design of glovey huggey that can cater to that problem. This is the other version of the thumb guard that doesn’t only cover the thumb, but the rest of the fingers as well, making any sort of finger sucking almost impossible.
By using Glovey Huggey products today, you will be assured that your child will be cured of his thumb sucking habits by valentine, giving you the satisfaction and feeling of being a good and responsible parent to your child. This way, you will also be able to effectively stop your child from thumb sucking.