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Celebrate St. Patricks Day with a Fabulous Thumb!

Celebrate St. Patricks Day with a Fabulous Thumb!

Celebrate St. Patricks Day with a Fabulous Thumb! As we approach one of the most celebrated days of the year, it’s time for you to give everyone a little something to smile with – including your child. Thumb sucking for your toddler can lead to medical problems if you don’t treat the issue on time.
If you’ve been noticing your child still sucking their thumb past a point of time where you think it might be deemed either strange or potentially hazardous, it might be time to think of ways to get them to stop.

For example, at Glovey Huggey, we always look to make things work for you by offering friendly and stylish Glovey Huggey devices to help get your child to stop thumb slicking. It’s something that a lot of parents can struggle with but if you are unsure of what you need to make your child stop, this might be the place to stop.

How can you solve the thumb sucking problem?

Well, with a Glovey Huggey in all styles and colors, you can solve those problems right away. Now, you can get your child something fun and topical for the big day whilst making sure they have a long-term toy to wear. Unknown to them, though, this cool St. Patrick’s Day gift is actually helping them keep their thumb from damaging their teeth.
Since children have excessively easy-to-manipulate gums and teeth, you can cause yourself major problems with always thumb sucking as it can elevate the problem of teeth growing in.
Rather than watch your child’s thumb sucking, you can give them something that is free and easy to fix the problem. Even if you notice a friend or family member’s child doing this, you can give them directions to an easy remedy.
With these items you can give your child a nice little present whilst also, in the long-term at least, preserving their teeth from getting damaged any further.
It’s something that is well worth paying attention to, as you can make major changes in no time at all to ensure the problem is dealt with immediately. Leave your child with the kind of help they need in feeling secure about themselves and also not damage their teeth this St. Patricks Day!