Can you use a thumb guard to stop thumb sucking? Tried all the usual techniques to bring an end to thumb sucking? Then try out a thumb guard to stop thumb sucking in the form of the Glovey Huggey. Find out more here.
As a child, one of the most challenging issues you can face is the difficulty of dealing with thumb sucking. Getting over that feeling of uncertainty and even fear can leave you with trepidation. As we age, we forget about the myriad emotions we felt as children, so as a parent it is hard(er) to empathize with thumb sucking. However, by using a thumb sucking guard, you could get your child to stop that thumb sucking here and now. There are various options out there, and one option, in particular, is the Glovey Huggey.
This is a very popular thumb guard that acts as a stylish, creative little glove that kids will love. Thumb sucking is a conscious act, and you as a parent must allow your child to stop. It is a very powerful learning moment for both the child and the parent. One thing to focus on as a parent, then, is making sure that you give your child a thumb sucking guard that actually works.
What is the Glovey Huggey? Why is it the ideal thumb sucking guard?
Some guards are large, thick, and sometimes even solid. This makes them unwieldy to wear, uncomfortable, and can even be a potential hazard. The Glovey Huggey, though, is a literal glove. It covers some or none of their fingers, and always covers the thumb. This works in two ways:
- One, your child cannot get to their thumb anymore – this reduces the risk of thumb sucking simply by being out of sight and thus out of mind
- Two, your child enjoys their little personal accessory so much that you will need to fight with them to get them to take it off – yes, even in public
That, though, is a much smaller issue to contend with than the long-term implications of thumb sucking. Not only does thumb sucking lead to problems with dental growth and oral development, but it can cause your child to never really grow out of needing a crutch to handle and control their emotions.
Aimed at children aged 2-4 and 4-8, the Glovey Huggey is great for those kids who simply will not give up on their love of thumb sucking. You will find this is comfortable for them to wear, so they never get unhappy wearing it. They come in a range of colorful and kid-friendly designs, too, so your kids can enjoy wearing them as a fashionable accessories. And most of it all it does not look like your children have something wrong with them – many thumb sucking guard objects look like medical instruments.
This does not – it just looks like a really cool pair of fingerless gloves. If you want a product that can give your child something that sits on their hand and looks the part, all the while distracting their love of thumb sucking, then the Glovey Huggey is just what you should look into.
Try one out today and see for yourself what it could do to help your child grow and mature.