Can you stop your child thumb sucking before schools return?
Can you stop your child thumb sucking before schools return?
For many parents at the moment, having their children around the house due to COVID-19 can feel like a blessing. Their minimized or even fully stopped education, though, might be worrying you. Instead of spending valuable time in the classroom learning, your child is going to be left in a position where they feel like they are not progressing. However, this does
Can you stop your child thumb sucking before schools return? For many parents at the moment, having their children around the house due to COVID-19 can feel like a blessing. Their minimized or even fully stopped education, though, might be worrying you. Instead of spending valuable time in the classroom learning, your child is going to be left in a position where they feel like they are not progressing. However, this does
Is your child suffering from thumb sucking stigma? Stop it today
Is your child suffering from thumb sucking stigma? Stop it today
When you are raising a child, it is natural for you to be so enamored by their every action. It means that you can look beyond actions that might be petulant or childish. You might even look beyond one of the most common ‘sins’ for a child: thumb sucking stigma. While we often associate the act of thumb sucking with a
Is your child suffering from thumb sucking stigma? Stop it today When you are raising a child, it is natural for you to be so enamored by their every action. It means that you can look beyond actions that might be petulant or childish. You might even look beyond one of the most common ‘sins’ for a child: thumb sucking stigma. While we often associate the act of thumb sucking with a
The Difference In Approaching Fears As Adults Versus Children
The Difference In Approaching Fears As Adults Versus Children
Approaching Fears. It’s one of our most primal emotions, but thanks to societal conditioning and gender stereotypes, it’s taken on a meaning that’s entirely different from its original intention by nature.
Originating from the almond-shaped amygdala in our brains, fear is a feeling – and subsequent set of emotions – designed to anticipate oncoming events which could harm our safety, if not our lives
The Difference In Approaching Fears As Adults Versus Children Approaching Fears. It’s one of our most primal emotions, but thanks to societal conditioning and gender stereotypes, it’s taken on a meaning that’s entirely different from its original intention by nature. Originating from the almond-shaped amygdala in our brains, fear is a feeling – and subsequent set of emotions – designed to anticipate oncoming events which could harm our safety, if not our lives
5 Questions To Ask In Regards To Children And Thumb Sucking
5 Questions To Ask In Regards To Children And Thumb Sucking
If you're one of the numerous parents all over the world who wonders just how big of a deal it is that your child sucks their thumb, don't worry; you're not the only one. And as far as the question as to whether or not it's a big deal, the answer is: it depends.
On one hand, the problems of thumb-sucking are
5 Questions To Ask In Regards To Children And Thumb Sucking If you're one of the numerous parents all over the world who wonders just how big of a deal it is that your child sucks their thumb, don't worry; you're not the only one. And as far as the question as to whether or not it's a big deal, the answer is: it depends. On one hand, the problems of thumb-sucking are
The importance Of Oral Health Of Children
The importance Of Oral Health Of Children
We all fundamentally realize just how precious the overall mental and physical development of our children is in their early, formative years. We want them to get the best medical treatments, eat the best and healthiest foods, and attend the best schools possible, all to ensure they have a healthy and happy future.
The Lack Of Focus On Oral Care
But despite all of this, studies have
The importance Of Oral Health Of Children We all fundamentally realize just how precious the overall mental and physical development of our children is in their early, formative years. We want them to get the best medical treatments, eat the best and healthiest foods, and attend the best schools possible, all to ensure they have a healthy and happy future. The Lack Of Focus On Oral Care But despite all of this, studies have