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Pacifiers and thumb guards ~ Friends or Foes Thumb sucking is a common habit of babies which finally stops after a few months. Though some of the babies stop sucking their thumb on their own while for some it continues till so many years. Most of the parents come with this problem and want a solution that could stop this habit. Even your babies are just a few months old, thumb guards

The importance of breastfeeding & thumbsucking relationship Breast feeding is very important for the mother as well as the child because mother’s milk contains lots of nutritional value that helps them to fight with the diseases. This is the reason that mothers should feed their children as it gives them complete diet and is good for the health too. As toddlers are fed by their mothers therefore eventually they develop a habit

Thumb guard for kids can be fun According to the doctors, thumb sucking is a very healthy habit but sometimes this habit becomes a problem for the parents. It is because of the simple reason that the kids are not ready to leave this habit and parents are tired of trying the different ways. As an infant, this habit is natural but when it continues even when the children are 4-5 years