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Back to School Safety

Back to School Safety

Fall is here which means it is back to school time.  If you have a child or children who went back to school this year, make sure to pay attention to these safety tips.

Fire & Rescue centers want to remind motorist to be extra carful this month. Many children are at new schools and in a dizzy haze after summer break.  Some children aren’t always aware of their new surroundings, as a motorist please be extra carful. Drivers should reduce their speed, and be on guard during school hours. Especially when driving through residential and school neighborhoods. Sometimes things can happen, like a child darting in front of your car to catch a school bus. As adults we should take extra responsibility for our surroundings.

Always drive the speed limit and watch out for skateboarders, and cyclist.

If you walk your children to school be on the lookout for cars. If your child ride their bike to school or skateboard make them wear a helmet. In most states it is a law, but if it is not in your state, be extra carful and tell them the importance of wearing a helmet.

If your child walks to school, remind them to walk against traffic on the sidewalk. Tell them to look both ways before crossing the street.

If you have a teenage driver then recognize that students who drive to school are also at risk. There are over 400 students annually killed in car crash that involve teenage drivers. Talk to your student about driving safer and setting limits. Makes sure they respect the speed limit and follow the law.

If you student rides the school bus thee is also safety concern for them. Over 23 million students ride the bus each year, which makes your child more likely to get a disease and germs. Pack an anti bacterial gel in your child’s backpack along with an extra toothbrush and tooth paste. Putting a travel size toothbrush into their backpack can remind them to brush their teeth after lunch. They will have extra clean teeth and fresh breath. Students and children that brush their teeth after every meal, have less cavities and dental problems as adults.

Talk to your children about safety and their health. It is important to educate them and make them feel connected to you even when they are away at school. If you want more health and safety tips you can visit your doctor and dentist. They are equipped to help you feel more secure and healthy as the seasons change. 

For more health advice visit Dr. Kirchmeier, a Eugene OR dentist. Shannon Kaiser is a health and wellness writer.
