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Thumb Sucking & Ways to Help Your Child Overcome It

Thumb Sucking & Ways to Help Your Child Overcome It

Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Thumb Sucking

The most common habit in infants and children is thumb sucking. Some infants begin to suck their thumbs before they are born. Thumb sucking is natural for infants, it calms them down and relaxes them. Thumb sucking is a faster way or technique to calm and relax themselves because the thumb is always there with them, whereas a pacifier is sometimes lost or not close by.

Thumb sucking is a hard habit to stop for children, just remember there are many products on the market that will help. You can choose what will be best fitting for your child books, movies, songs, topical solutions or even a thumb guard.

The bad side of thumb sucking is that it can eventually cause damage to the teeth and mouth. It can cause the teeth to grow outward or out of alignment. Thumb sucking can also cause structural damage to the mouth. Thumb sucking not only can cause dental damage, but it can also cause damage to the thumb itself or the skin. Thumb sucking can cause dis-figuration to the tip of the thumb and also loss of layers of the skin. It is best to start weaning them before permanent teeth start growing which is around the age of 4 to 5.

There are ways how to stop your child from thumb sucking. You can choose from many products and techniques to help your child stop the thumb sucking habit. There are thumb guards, topical solutions along with videos or movies.

Thumb guards are easy and convenient for you to use while breaking your child from thumb sucking. The thumb guard is easy to put on and very safe for your child. Your child can wear the thumb guard day or night and even when they sleep. Thumb guards help break the habit of thumb sucking and also help prevent more damage to your child’s thumb and teeth.

Dentists recommend a thumb guard to prevent damage to your child’s teeth and mouth. There are books that are available for you to read to your child that will help them understand why they need to stop thumb sucking. Thumb sucking books are also available for the parents to read to help them in breaking the thumb sucking habit and how stay calm and understanding while going through the process.

You can also sing songs and teach your child little rhymes or songs to help them stop thumb sucking. Singing will also calm them and relax them at the same time as learning to stop the habit. Your child will be able to learn to sing these songs when they feel the urge to suck their thumb and help them to remember not to.
Author Bio:
Jason Miner an expert freelance writer loves writing articles on different categories. He is approaching different bloggers to recognize each other’s efforts through “”. He can be contacted through e-mail at jasonminer8atgmaildotcom.

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