3 Real Important Reasons to Stop Thumb Sucking 3 Real Important Reasons to Stop Thumb Sucking
Sucking the thumb is a common habit that stems from the baby’s natural impulse to suck. At some point, a baby may discover his or her thumb and begin sucking on it as his or her new discovery. It’s also very common to see a child sucking his or her thumb and many parents even encourage this habit as it comforts and soothes a child who is irritated or upset. On the other hand, responsible parents know that it is important to take some steps to get their kid stop thumb sucking immediately. While this habit can make the child look really sweet, it can actually lead to long term problems.
Reasons to Stop Thumb Sucking
Oral problems. Prolonged thumb sucking can change the mouth’s shape and cause the teeth of your child to grow crooked. Kids who suck their thumbs are likely to have protruding teeth. They will need the help of an orthodontist to fix it and since the procedure can be extremely expensive, parents will surely worry about the expenses associated with it.
Ingesting parasites. Children who constantly put their thumb inside their mouth are at higher risk of ingesting different kinds of parasites and worms in their bodies than kids who keep the fingers away from the mouth. Thumb sucking is definitely an unhygienic habit that needs to be stopped immediately.
Thumb irritation. The thumb’s skin can get irritated when the kid sucks on it constantly. It is also possible for the skin to peel away and this can be extremely painful for the kid. In most cases, the child’s fingernails can also grow crooked due to the infection brought by thumb sucking.
The problems associated with this habit can be quite serious and it’s best for parents to act immediately and firmly to get their kids stop thumb sucking. This problem should be given attention right at its onset before the kids becomes extremely attached to thumb sucking. Fortunately, there are some options that you can use to stop this habit. One of this is to let him or her know the impacts of thumb sucking on his or her teeth. This will make your child realize that he or she has been engaging in something that is not right.
You can also distract your child when you notice that he or she is sucking his or her thumb by giving activities that use both hands. Rewarding the child is another option for you. Doing this can be a motivating factor for your child to quit this habit. You can also use a glove to prevent finger-sucking. This helps the child quit this habit and protects his or her thumb as well. You can encourage your child to wear the glove till his or her habit is gone. Since this item is available in various colors and sizes, make sure that the one you will get suits your child well. You also need to make sure that your child will be comfortable wearing it.
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